Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WAM/Tensioning

Jun 1, 2011, 12:47:40 PM (13 years ago)



  • WAM/Tensioning

    v1 v1  
     1= WAM Tensioning Procedure =
     3Download the instructions for the [[| Wrist Tensioning Procedure]]
     5The btclient/src/btutil/btutil application is a utility that provides the following functions:
     6  * Enumerate the controllers on the CAN bus (-e)
     7  * Find the motor offsets (-f <id>)
     8  * Get the values of several key puck properties (-g <id>)
     9  * Reset several puck properties to their defaults (-p <id> -l <id>)
     10  * Tension a cable circuit (-t <id>)
     11  * Download !BarrettHand firmware (-b)
     12  * Download new puck firmware (-f <file> -d <id>)
     14Before running the btutil application, please make sure the WAM's power is turned on and the controllers are powered on by pressing Shift-Idle on the control pendant.
     16== Tensioning the motor 1 cable circuit ==
     18Move J1 to its negative joint limit
     21./btutil -t 1
     24Press <Enter> until a small torque is applied against the joint stop.
     26Move J1 away from its joint stop until you hear two clicks of the autotensioner tang. The joint should now be pushing against the tang with a small torque, about 20 degrees away from the joint limit.
     28Press <Enter> to apply the appropriate amount of torque to tension the cable.
     30Note the number of encoder counts of cable taken up by the tensioning procedure.
     32Work the tension into the cable by moving the joint back and forth to each of its joint limits 10 times.
     34Repeat the tensioning procedure on this joint until the number of encoder counts of cable taken up does not change very much. The counts taken up does not have to go to zero, but the change in counts taken up from one iteration to the next should approach zero.
     36== Tensioning the motor 2 cable circuit ==
     38Move J2 to its positive joint limit, move J3 to its negative joint limit
     41./btutil -t 2
     44Press <Enter> until a small torque is applied against the joint stop.
     46Lift J2 away from its joint stop until you hear two clicks of the motor 2 autotensioner tang. The joint should now be pushing against the tang with a small torque, about 20 degrees away from the joint limit.
     48Press <Enter> to apply the appropriate amount of torque to tension the cable.
     50Note the number of encoder counts of cable taken up by the tensioning procedure.
     52Work the tension into the cable by moving the joint back and forth to each of its joint limits 10 times.
     54Repeat the tensioning procedure on this joint until the number of encoder counts of cable taken up does not change very much. The counts taken up does not have to go to zero, but the change in counts taken up from one iteration to the next should approach zero.
     56== Tensioning the motor 3 cable circuit ==
     58Move J2 to its negative joint limit, move (keep) J3 to its negative joint limit
     61./btutil -t 3
     64Press <Enter> until a small torque is applied against the joint stop.
     66Lift J2 from its joint stop until you hear two clicks of the motor 3 autotensioner tang. The joint should now be pushing against the tang with a small torque, about 20 degrees away from the joint limit.
     68Press <Enter> to apply the appropriate amount of torque to tension the cable.
     70Note the number of encoder counts of cable taken up by the tensioning procedure.
     72Work the tension into the cable by moving the joint back and forth to each of its joint limits 10 times.
     74Repeat the tensioning procedure on this joint until the number of encoder counts of cable taken up does not change very much. The counts taken up does not have to go to zero, but the change in counts taken up from one iteration to the next should approach zero.
     76== Tensioning the motor 4 cable circuit ==
     78Move J4 to its negative joint limit
     81./btutil -t 4
     84Press <Enter> until a small torque is applied against the joint stop.
     86Move J4 away from its joint stop until you hear two clicks of the autotensioner tang. The joint should now be pushing against the tang with a small torque, about 20 degrees away from the joint limit.
     88Press <Enter> to apply the appropriate amount of torque to tension the cable.
     90Note the number of encoder counts of cable taken up by the tensioning procedure.
     92Work the tension into the cable by moving the joint back and forth to each of its joint limits 10 times.
     94Repeat the tensioning procedure on this joint until the number of encoder counts of cable taken up does not change very much. The counts taken up does not have to go to zero, but the change in counts taken up from one iteration to the next should approach zero.