Support Resources

Publicly Available:

Require Active Access Code:

  • Submit a support ticket using a web form
    • Automatically checks support subscription
    • Prompts for relevant debugging info
    • Automatically creates a ticket in OTRS
    • Ticket tagged with support category (shows up on proper engineer’s dashboard)
    • Offers quicker response times than email, because of the first 2 points
  • Send an email to support@…
    • Automatically creates a ticket in OTRS
    • Filed in an “Unverified” folder in OTRS until their subscription is verified
  • Call us
    • Receptionist has a simple web interface to check subscription status quickly
    • Engineer creates a new ticket in OTRS
  • Download/view the latest
    • Software installers
    • Video tutorials

Support subscription benefits:

  • Technical support via phone/Skype/email (up to 80 hours)
    • Typical response within 1 business day
  • Free parts/labor for repairs
  • Free shipping (back to customer) for RMAs
  • Discounted pricing on additional hardware purchases/upgrades
  • Access to the latest software installers and support videos
Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Nov 29, 2016, 10:28:34 PM