= Barrett Customer Support = This is where Barrett publishes its product support information. There is no guest login for this site, and you cannot create your own account for this system. To discuss or contribute to our forums, please visit [http://web.barrett.com/forum the forum] and start a thread or add on to an existing one. **Note: For now the forum is primarily for customer discussion and Barrett-posted announcements. Please email support@barrett.com for the quickest response.** If you are a customer, you may access Barrett support videos, software installers, firmware updates, and other files by logging into the [http://www.barrett.com/robot/support.htm file area] with your customer access code. If you have lost your code or do not have one, please [http://barrett.com/robot/contact.htm contact us] for support. == Products: == || [[WAM]] || [[Hand| BarrettHand]] || [[Wraptor]] || [[Force-Torque| Force/Torque Sensor]] || || [[Image(htdocs:wam/wam.jpg, link=wiki:WAM)]] || [[Image(htdocs:bhand/280.png, link=wiki:Hand)]] || [[Image(htdocs:wraptor/wraptorpic.jpg, link=wiki:Wraptor)]] || [[Image(htdocs:ft_sensor/ftsense.jpg, link=wiki:Force-Torque)]] || == About Us == * [http://www.barrett.com Barrett Technology on the Web] * [http://barrett.com/robot/news-events.htm Current Events] * [http://www.youtube.com/user/BarrettTechnology Barrett Tech on YouTube] * [[Barrett Tech in Academic Research]] * [[Demonstrations]] * Customer Support - support@barrett.com